Welcome to the StreetLight Developer Guides! Here you can find introductory information and instructions for each of the StreetLight APIs.
StreetLight APIs
StreetLight provides the following APIs so that you can access transportation metrics on demand:
StreetLight InSight® API provides REST endpoints for functionality available in the StreetLight InSight® web app, allowing you to define and run analyses to get critical transportation metrics.
StreetLight Advanced Traffic Counts API lets you query a set of StreetLight Metrics for private sector companies that provides comprehensive and granular traffic volume metrics at scale, providing deep insights for vehicle and pedestrian travel modes for sites across North America.
To request access to the StreetLight InSight® API or the StreetLight Advanced Traffic Counts API:
- If you are new to StreetLight and interested in accessing transportation analytics via API, request credentials here
- If you are an existing StreetLight user, reach out to your account representative or contact Support to add API access to your subscription and get an API key
The StreetLight Developer Hub contains information and resources for working with StreetLight APIs. For more information, see the following resources in the StreetLight Help Center:
- For currently available data months, see StreetLight InSight® Data Availability .
- For how to work with zones in StreetLight InSight®, see What are zones .
- For information on Metrics, output types, and travel modes, see Choose your output type .
You are currently in the Guides section of the StreetLight Developer Hub. Here, you can find:
- Information about the APIs
- What you need before using the APIs
- Example workflows for each API
- Resources to learn more about StreetLight products
Once you understand the API you want to use and have your API Key, you can use the API Reference to build your requests with information on each endpoint.
API Reference
The API Reference section has details for each of the endpoints in the APIs. You can see all available parameters and how to define them. In addition, you can generate code samples and send requests from the StreetLight Developer Hub with the Try It! feature!
Using the Try It! feature
- Select an endpoint in the API Reference section of the Developer Hub
- Enter your parameters for the request.
- On the right, select a programming language for the request, such as Python or R.
- Under Authentication, enter your API key.
- Click Try It! to send the request. You can also copy the request or select a new language.
Watch the following video for a demonstration of sending StreetLight InSight® API requests with the Try It! feature:
Recipes contains step-by-step walkthroughs of scripts and code samples that use StreetLight APIs. You can use recipes to learn about or test StreetLight APIs, as well as to inspire your own applications of StreetLight APIs.
Updated 6 months ago