JUMP TOStreetLight InSight APIIntroductionDebugEcho a message for connectivitypostZonesCreate a zone setpostSearch zone setsgetSearch OSM IDspostDate RangesCheck available data periodsgetTagsList available tagsgetTag an analysispostRemove tag from analysispostCreate a tagpostAnalysesCreate and run an analysispostCheck analysis statuspostCheck an analysis in reviewgetSearch analysesgetEdit an analysis by nameputDelete an analysis by namedeleteCancel an analysis by namepostEdit an analysis by UUIDputDelete an analysis by UUIDdeleteCancel an analysis by UUIDpostDownloadsGet Metrics by UUIDgetGet Metrics by analysis namegetGet Shapefiles by UUIDgetGet Shapefiles by analysis namegetStreetLight InSight® AppStreetLight Advanced Traffic Counts APIIntroductionDebugEcho a message to check connectivitypostDate RangesCheck available data periodsgetSegment CountCount segments in a geometrypostGeometryGet geometry of segmentspostPaging for a geometry querypostMetricsGet metrics for a geometrypostPaging for a metrics querypostUsageCheck previous requestsgetPowered by Echo a message for connectivitypost https://insight.streetlightdata.com/api/v2/debug/echoStreetLight InSight® API