Available Metrics

StreetLight Advanced Traffic Counts API

You can access multiple types of metrics on-demand with the StreetLight Advanced Traffic Counts API. Metrics are included for each road segment within the geometry you define in your metrics query. The metrics below are available to be queried.

Each metric requested in the fields parameter of the metrics call is returned as one or more columns for each segment in the response.


Calls to the Metrics endpoint count against your segment quota. Each row returned from the metrics endpoint counts against your segment quota, even if you are querying the same segments. For more information, se Segment Quota Usage.

All Advanced Traffic Counts users can query the Base Metrics below. Users with Plus subscriptions can query the Plus Metrics below. If you would like to change your subscription, contact your StreetLight representative.

For metrics that are only available for specific data sources, these data sources are listed in the description of the metric. You specify the data source as a parameter in the request to the Metrics endpoint. Due to different sources and methodologies used to calculate metrics, we do not recommend comparing across data sources. For more information in the StreetLight Help Center, see What are data sources? .

Base Metrics


The mode of travel described by the metrics.


The country where your geometry is located. Metrics are currently available for U.S. geographies.

segment_id (required)

Unique identifier for each segment.


Whether the direction of traffic matches the road segment direction, where road segment direction is defined from the start to the end point of the segment.

  • 1: Traffic flows with the segment’s direction
  • 2: Traffic flows against the segment’s direction
  • 3: Traffic is bi-directional


The year and month of the metrics in the row.


Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), calculated as trip volume*segment length. Only available for U.S. geographies.


Vehicle Kilometers Traveled (VKT), calculated as trip volume*segment length. Only available for Canadian geographies.


Estimated traffic volume of vehicles as calculated by StreetLight's machine learning algorithms for the road segment in the time period.


Number of sample trips that pass through the segment in the entire data period (month or year).


  • 1..7: Day of the week, where 1 is Sunday
  • -1 = Weekday (Monday - Friday)
  • -2 = Weekend (Saturday - Sunday)
  • -3 = All days


Segments of the day defined in intervals of hours to analyze traffic.

  • 0..23: Hour of the day, where 0 is from 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM
  • -1..-8 = 3 hour bins, where 1 is from 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM
  • -10 = all day

Plus Metrics

Trip Attributes


Speed values are in miles per hour for U.S. geographies and kilometers per hour for Canadian geographies.


The maximum 1-hour-average-speed in a month.


The average speed in mph for the full length of trips that vehicles travel while passing through the segment.


Distribution of vehicle speeds in 5 mph ranges.


The travel speed at which cars are moving freely, unblocked by traffic or signals. StreetLight calculates this as the average hourly 95th percentile speed across the entire month. Only available for the agps data source.


Ratio of Average Speed to Free Flow Speed in a decimal value ranging from 0.0 to 2.0. Only available for the agps data source.


Speed distribution broken into percentiles that are multiples of 5 and stored in an ordered array of 19 values (the first value is the 5th percentile speed, second is the 10th percentile speed, etc., the last value is the 95th percentile speed). Only available for the agps data source.


The number of trips in StreetLight's sample on which the derived speed metric is based for the entire data period. Only available for the agps data source.


Amount of time (in seconds) for a vehicle to travel the length of the road segment at the average speed. Only available for the agps data source.


The fastest average speed traveled in a single hour over the course of the entire measurement period (month or year). Only available for the agps data source.


Distance from the segment to the start of each trip that passes through it. Only available for the lbs_plus and cvd_plus data sources.

The following ranges are returned for pedestrian queries:

  • start_dist_lt025: Trips that start less than 1/4 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_025_05: Trips that start between 1/4 mi to 1/2 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_05_075: Trips that start 1/2 mi to 3/4 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_075_1: Trips that start 3/4 mi to 1 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_1_2: Trips that start 1 to 2 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_gt2: Trips that start over 2 mi from segment

The following ranges are returned for vehicle queries:

  • start_dist_lt05: Trips that start less than 1/2 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_05_1: Trips that start between 1/2 mi to 1 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_1_2: Trips that start 1 mi to 2 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_2_5: Trips that start 2 mi to 5 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_5_10: Trips that start 5 to 10 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_10_25: Trips that start 10 to 25 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_25_50: Trips that start 25 to 50 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_50_100: Trips that start 50 to 100 mi from the segment
  • start_dist_gt100: Trips that start over 100 mi from segment


Distance from the segment to the end of each trip that passes through it. Only available for the lbs_plus and cvd_plus data sources.

The following ranges are returned for pedestrian queries:

  • end_dist_lt025: Trips that end less than 1/4 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_025_05: Trips that end between 1/4 mi to 1/2 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_05_075: Trips that end 1/2 mi to 3/4 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_075_1: Trips that end 3/4 mi to 1 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_1_2: Trips that end 1 to 2 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_gt2: Trips that end over 2 mi from segment

The following ranges are returned for vehicle queries:

  • end_dist_lt05: Trips that end less than 1/2 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_05_1: Trips that end between 1/2 mi to 1 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_1_2: Trips that end 1 mi to 2 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_2_5: Trips that end 2 mi to 5 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_5_10: Trips that end 5 to 10 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_10_25: Trips that end 10 to 25 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_25_50: Trips that end 25 to 50 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_50_100: Trips that end 50 to 100 mi from the segment
  • end_dist_gt100: Trips that end over 100 mi from segment


Distance from the segment to the home location of each trip that passes through it. Only available for the lbs_plus data source.

The following ranges are returned for pedestrian queries:

  • home_dist_lt025: Trips where the inferred home location is less than 1/4 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_025_05: Trips where the inferred home location is 1/4 mi to 1/2 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_05_075: Trips where the inferred home location is 1/2 mi to 3/4 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_075_1: Trips where the inferred home location is 3/4 mi to 1 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_1_2: Trips where the inferred home location is 1 to 2 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_gt2: Trips where the inferred home location is >2mi from the segment

The following ranges are returned for vehicle queries:

  • home_dist_lt05: Trips where the inferred home location is less than 1/2 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_05_1: Trips where the inferred home location is 1/2 mi to 1 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_1_2: Trips where the inferred home location is 1 mi to 2 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_2_5: Trips where the inferred home location is 2 mi to 5 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_5_10: Trips where the inferred home location is 5 to 10 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_10_25: Trips where the inferred home location is 10 to 25 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_25_50: Trips where the inferred home location is 25 to 50 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_50_100: Trips where the inferred home location is 50 to 100 mi from the segment
  • home_dist_gt100: Trips where the inferred home location is over 100 mi from segment


Distance from the segment to the work location of each trip that passes through it. Only available for the lbs_plus data source.

The following ranges are returned for pedestrian queries:

  • work_dist_lt025: Trips where the inferred work location is less than 1/4 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_025_05: Trips where the inferred work location is 1/4 mi to 1/2 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_05_075: Trips where the inferred work location is 1/2 mi to 3/4 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_075_1: Trips where the inferred work location is 3/4 mi to 1 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_1_2: Trips where the inferred work location is 1 to 2 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_gt2: Trips where the inferred work location is >2mi from the segment

The following ranges are returned for vehicle queries:

  • work_dist_lt05: Trips where the inferred work location is less than 1/2 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_05_1: Trips where the inferred work location is 1/2 mi to 1 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_1_2: Trips where the inferred work location is 1 mi to 2 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_2_5: Trips where the inferred work location is 2 mi to 5 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_5_10: Trips where the inferred work location is 5 to 10 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_10_25: Trips where the inferred work location is 10 to 25 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_25_50: Trips where the inferred work location is 25 to 50 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_50_100: Trips where the inferred work location is 50 to 100 mi from the segment
  • work_dist_gt100: Trips where the inferred work location is over 100 mi from segment


For more information in the StreetLight Help Center, see Home and Work Location Methodology .

Traveler Attributes

Traveler Attributes are only available for the lbs_plus data source.


For more information in the StreetLight Help Center, see Traveler Attributes .


  • hbw (Home Based Work): Percent of trips with a home based work trip purpose
  • nhbw (Not Home Based Work)): Percent of trips that do not have a home based work trip purpose. (1 - hbw = nhbw)
  • hbo (Home Based Other): Percent of trips that have a home based other trip purpose
  • wbo (Work Based Other): Percent of trips that have a work based other trip purpose


Represents what household income bracket travelers are in. The ranges below are examples but more ranges are returned.

  • inc_lt_10k: Proportion of travelers that make less than $10,000 annually
  • inc_40_45k: Proportion of travelers that make between $40,000 and $45,000 annually
  • inc_gt_200k: Proportion of travelers that make over $200,000 annually


Represents the highest education level of the head of the household for travelers.

  • edu_lt_9gr: Proportion of travelers over the age of 25 of which the highest level of education is below high school completion (diploma not awarded).
  • edu_9_12gr: Proportion of travelers over the age of 25 of which the highest level of education is high school (but did not graduate).
  • edu_highschool: Proportion of travelers over the age of 25 of which the highest level of education is completion of high school.
  • edu_some_college: Proportion of travelers over the age of 25 of which the highest level of education is some college (but degree not awarded), including associate's degree.
  • edu_associate: Proportion of travelers over the age of 25 of which the highest level of education is the completion of an associate's college.
  • edu_bachelor: Proportion of travelers over the age of 25 of which the highest level of education is the completion of a bachelor's college.
  • edu_graduate: Proportion of travelers over the age of 25 of which the highest level of education is beyond completion of college.


Race represents the self-identified race of travelers.

  • white: Proportion of travelers that self-identify as White.
  • black: Proportion of travelers that self-identify as Black or African American.
  • indian: Proportion of travelers that self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • asian: Proportion of travelers that self-identify as Asian.
  • islander: Proportion of travelers that self-identify as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
  • other_race: Proportion of travelers that self-identify as Some Other Race.
  • multiple_races: Proportion of travelers that self-identify as Two or More Races.

Ethnicity represents whether travelers self-identify as Hispanic.

  • hispaniclatino: Proportion of travelers that self-identify as of Hispanic or Latino Origin.
  • nothispaniclatino: Proportion of travelers that do not self-identify as of Hispanic or Latino Origin.


Family Status: This represents the household family status of travelers

  • hhkids_withkids: Proportion of travelers that live in households with children.
  • hhkids_nokids: Proportion of travelers that live in households with no children.
  • hhkids_lt6yr: Proportion of travelers that live in households with children under the age of 6.
  • hhkids_6to17: Proportion of travelers that live in households with children between the ages of 6 and 17.

Vehicle Attributes

Vehicle attributes are only available for the cvd_plus data source.

Vehicle attributes describe proportions of vehicles in the sample. To check trips in the sample, see trips sample count.


Proportion of vehicles that are the listed body class. The following body classes are measured:

  • body_class_coupe
  • body_class_cuv
  • body_class_hatchback
  • body_class_minivan
  • body_class_motor_home
  • body_class_other
  • body_class_pickup
  • body_class_sedan
  • body_class_supermini
  • body_class_suv
  • body_class_truck


  • power_train_ev: Proportion of vehicles that are electric vehicles.
  • power_train_hv: Proportion of vehicles that are hybrid vehicles that use electric and gasoline power.
  • power_train_ice: Proportion of vehicles that have internal combustion engines.
  • power_train_other: Proportion of vehicles that do not fit into the above categories.


  • model_lt_2016: Proportion of vehicles that are older than the 2016 model year.
  • model_2016 to model_2022: Proportion of vehicles from the listed model year.