Welcome! These are the rules of the road
Welcome to the StreetLight Developer Hub discussion forum!
The mission of the StreetLight Developer Hub discussion forum is to provide a peer-to-peer collaboration hub to share knowledge, answer each other’s technical questions, and crowd-source best practices. These guidelines are here to:
1. Help you become a valuable contributor to the forum
2. Explain what kind of conduct to avoid
3. Make sure the discussions are enjoyable for and respectful of all our peers
Please interact with other users accordingly and conduct yourself as you would in any professional setting.
## Your participation counts
The conversations we have here set the tone for every new arrival. Help us influence the future of this forum by choosing to engage in discussions that make it an interesting place to be.
* We encourage you to search the Developer Hub for information and use its interactive features before posting
* We encourage you to post if you’re looking for advice or best practices, and please don't hesitate to chime in on someone else's post if you have a good solution
* We encourage you to share solutions, advice, and best practices
Help us make this a great place for discussion by always working to improve the discussion in some way, however small.
## Keep it professional
Every post should make a positive contribution to the discussion and should be suitable for all users.
The forum is open to all points of view on the intended product and industry topics; mature, polite debate is encouraged.
We will remove any post or reply that includes derogatory, abusive, offensive, or inappropriate content of any kind (including links to such content). Always interact with other users respectfully, as you would in any professional setting.
## Post only original content
Help us observe the intellectual property rights of others by only posting content you have personally written, created or else properly acquired.
You may not post unauthorized copies of any copyrighted material.
## Stay on topic
Good contributions help everyone by providing relevant, insightful information or asking important questions.
If your post contains anything unrelated to the discussion at hand, it may be removed.
* For questions about StreetLight Insight, go to the [Help Center](https://support.streetlightdata.com)
* For questions that are time sensitive, [contact Support](https://support.streetlightdata.com/hc/en-us/articles/4416026885531-Contact-Support) – For example, if you have a problem right now that needs our attention, to report bugs, or for other issues with your StreetLight project
## Protect privacy - yours and others
Do not post information that is confidential to your organization or personal information—you own or anyone else’s.
Refrain from posting specific questions about your account or studies. For such questions and comments, contact Support.
Posted by Helena Jerney over 1 year ago